Oh, to Fight Crime…

I realised in the shower today that I will never be called to be a juror, ever. In the justice system, jurors are representatives of society that help the judge reach a good decision and to be a reflection of society’s current attitudes and morals. Prospective jurors are dismissed when it is discovered that they have had any kind of training in law. As soon as I step into my Criminology 101 course next year, I’ll be exempt from jury duty forever.

This isn’t such a big deal, but it’s kind of saddening to me – I was excited to be a part of the criminal system. However, I /am/ studying to be a Criminal Prosecutor, so it’s not as if I don’t get any cake.

The more I think about the process of becoming a Criminal Prosecutor, the more I understand what a process it will be. As Sam described it, it will suck, it will be harder than you can possibly imagine right now. And he’s right, of course. It’s such a hurdle. Seven years of studying. One year of articling. And I’m planning on doing this out of my own pocket? Seven years of studying. It’s mental.

I’m planning on speaking to one of my neighbours soon. It turns out that a woman who lives on my street was a prosecutor in one of Canada’s biggest cases a couple decades ago. Hopefully I will be able to chat with her about what it is like to be a prosecutor. It’s going to be an important conversation. I can read as much as I like about being a prosecutor, but it means nothing without actually sitting down and asking questions to a retired prosecutor. She’d be able to give me the solid answers I’m looking for; able to give me insight to what it means to have that profession. Things that are good about the job. Things that are bad. What to watch out for. What to consider. And, of course, I could maybe get some more information on the case she worked on. Which would be FASCINATING.

I might never get to be a juror, but if I’m right in thinking Criminal Prosecution is more me, I sure don’t mind.

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